Special with ZKB Jazzpreis winner ARBRE! (RONIN is on Japan tour and back on July 15th).
The Bernese collective ARBRE sounds bigger than it is. With their expansive sonic realm somewhere between jazz and alternative music, Mélusine Chappuis, Paul Butscher and Xavier Almeida continue to find their way onto a number of stages in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria and the Czech Republic. Yes, the list of places and countries seems impressive for the band’s short history (starting 2021), but what’s more important is solidarity. Everything, yes: everything is decided collectively, and the shared creative process is the focus point of their work. The being there, the growing, the change and the coming together. The music on their first album “Lunaires” was called atmospheric jazz. Now, on their second album “Mes épaules seront rivières” (Neuklang Records) what we hear is more defiant, has more sobriety to it. Still, there is this ARBRE-sound: big, wide, three-dimensional, and intertwined. With great love for the detail of sound, for long arcs and for each other.
Paul Butscher · flugelhorn, vox, synth, fx
Mélusine Chappuis · rhodes, synth, electronics
Xavier Almeida · drums, piano
1 langes Set!
Joel Gilardini: Live Ambient Guitar (vor und zwischen den Sets)
Bild by Lionel Nemeth, supported by Kanton Zürich, Fachstelle Kultur

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